Reverse shopping list
Now is the time to think about meal planning for the New Year. We tend to waste a lot of food by throwing it out when it goes off in the fridge after a few days, or forgetting to put it in the freezer. The trouble is, sometimes we also forget what is in the freezer then end up chucking it out because it has been there for goodness knows how long! Well, check out this little idea - create a reverse shopping list for your freezer. 
Write down all of the things that you have in your freezer, so you don't forget what's in there. It will not only prompt you to use them and save food from spoiling but it will save you money because you're not buying the same things over and over again. 
You're welcome :)

2 Responses

Daily Orders

Daily Orders

January 05, 2017

What a fabulous idea Kylie! Love it!



January 05, 2017

Ive been doing this since we bought a chest freezer. Ive actually painted our chest freezer in chalk board paint so i can write directly onto it whats in there ?

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