Save Money and Stay Organised with a Family Budget Planner

Family budgeting can feel like a game of dodgeball. You’re desperately trying to catch or avoid all the bills and expenses being thrown at you, hoping a big one doesn’t hit you in the face. If you can relate, this means your current budgeting style is reactive rather than proactive. It’s time to turn that around. With the right family budget planner, budgeting will feel less chaotic and even freeing - no matter where you’re starting from.

The Best Family Budget Planner for Australian Families

Before We Start Budgeting

Before we start, let’s get something straight. Budgets are nothing to be scared of! So many households put off budgeting because they’re terrified of what they’ll uncover. That they’ll discover they’re spending way more than they thought, need to drastically cut down on their favourite expenses, or are on the brink of bankruptcy. Trust me when I say that you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Everything you discover along your budgeting journey will be good for you and your family’s future. If you’re overspending, it’s best to know that as early as possible. A budget is a wonderful tool that allows you to start gaining control over your family finances and end that relentless dodgeball match. You don’t need to be intimidated either - using a wall family budget planner means no complex spreadsheets necessary.

Three Steps To Simple Family Budgeting

Ready to start saving for your family? In just three steps you can use your family budget planner to pinpoint where you could save and start putting money away for the future.

Step One - Tracking

Before you start splitting up your pay and allocating funds, you need to start tracking. It’s crucial that you start your budget with an accurate understanding of where your money is going. For visual people, a family budget planner like the Command Centre is great for this. Track everything your family spends over one month. I mean everything, from essentials like rent, mortgages, bills, and insurance to extras like entertainment and treats. 

Write it all up on your wall planner and use coloured markers to colour-code your expense categories. This will make step two much easier. Remember, this step isn’t about making you stressed or triggering any spending shame. It’s just so that you can see what your current family budget is and know how to change it. 

Step Two - Analysing

Now that you know exactly what you spend in one month, it’s time to analyse that spend. First, look at your essential expenses. Do any bills look too high? Maybe it’s time to switch providers. Is your grocery bill double what it used to be? Try switching to home brand products, or shop at a cheaper grocery store. Spend way too much money eating out? Meal prepping could save you hundreds.

Next, look at your unessential expenses. The key here is to be honest with yourself, but not harsh. Take note of what you spend the most money on every month and ask yourself whether it’s an expense that truly adds value to your life, or whether it’s just a bad spending habit.

Step Three - Saving

The final step is a simple one - start saving. Sounds too easy, but with your spend analysis and your Command Centre to keep track, nothing is stopping you from implementing a family budget that works for your household. For every spike you discover in your analysis, come up with a solution that saves money without making your family go without.

Mark down all your payment due dates so that you don’t forget. Write in your monthly entertainment allowance so that you can see when you need to start cutting back. Use the side of your family budget planner to write up a weekly menu so you only buy the food you need. By simply laying out what you’re spending each month and being mindful of where you could save, you’ll see those savings rise.

Looking for more household organisation tips? Check out our Facebook Page for more inspiration or browse our range of family wall planners.

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